TQY 天慶永精品茶



“天慶永”源自JASCAFFE創辦人家族於清末創立的商號,希望延續祖先行腳商人堅毅果敢、無私奉獻的百年精神,以全新精品茶品牌傳承下去。天慶永Tian Qing Yong(TQY)識別設計靈感取自印鑑、古代錢幣、書法字體、東方山水的意象,用簡約的線條、明亮清透的畫面組合出現代精品感,將傳統茶文化反轉為時尚、新穎的感受。

設定“品天地永恆之惠”( Savoring Nature’s Bounty) 為品牌標語,強調用“好茶、好水、精具、佳境”讓品茗者心靜智靈、身心舒暢。從識別、網站到空間上的氛圍,展現現代東方嶄新風貌,為百年商號注入了新靈魂,走出與眾不同的品牌之路。

Tian Qing Yong is a new tea brand of JASCAFFE. “Savoring Nature’s Bounty” is the brand spirit, that emphasizes “good tea, good water, exquisite tea set, excellent mood”, leading tea drinkers to clear-minded tranquility and refreshing exuberance.

The Tian Qing Yong brand traces back to the business incepted in the Qing Dynasty by the JASCAFFE founder’s family. Today, the brand inherits the ancestors’ footprints and spirit, resolute and decisive, selfless and dedicated, to infuse innovative soul to the modern tea culture. The Chinese text is written in concise, graceful font of lines for delicate identity, that interprets the realm of perfection of the Oriental tea culture – God and Men in One. The outlook of the logo is inspired by the ancient coins, with a round hole in the middle, and the dual round holes connote heavenliness and exuberance, while the “Q” symbolizes the flowing water around the mountains, an Oriental artistic mood (mountains and waters). The overall logo design manifests the new faces of the brand temperament and its elegant fashion – Conformable to Heaven, Responsive to People, Sustainable to Running.


天慶永Tian Qing Yong


品牌識別設計 Brand Identity

品牌命名 Brand Naming

商品包裝設計 Packaging Design

視覺形象設計 Visual Design

商品陳列設計 Merchandising Design

網站設計 Web Design