
■Client: Roy’s Caffé 樂飴咖啡

Roy’s Caffé提供客製化、專業的咖啡與服務,有別於一般咖啡廳的經營模式,店內飲用採會員制,只有Roy’s的會員才能於店內享用Roy’s 專業烘焙、沖泡的高品質咖啡與專屬服務。

因消費族群多為高階主管、品味人士,以”品味認證” 為設計概念,賦予品牌尊貴、專業、古典、信賴的特性,視覺上將咖啡樹圖騰結合皇家盾牌,圍繞品牌字首”R”展現大器的莊園氣息,搭配尊貴的銘黃及紫色,整體識別設計傳達Roy’s Caffé的專屬感以及咖啡權威感。

The Roy’s Caffe brand is oriented on customized, professional coffee making and services. Its business model is distinguished from others, in that besides selling quality coffee beans, drinks and coffee utensils, it takes a membership approach to serve only the members to enjoy in the coffee shop Roy’s excellent baking and brewing skills for high quality coffee and dedicated services.

The design attaches to the concept of “Taste Authentication”, and so the logo uses a totem of coffee fruits and leaves, decorated with a royal shield, and the capital letter of “R” for royal symbolizes the royal prestige on the coffee and taste authentication. The serif standard font text in noble golden and purple colors exudes majestic atmosphere of manors.

To present Roy’s Caffe professionalism without losing service essences, the chrome yellow is used as an auxiliary color applied to the product packaging and store decoration, so that the members only coffee shop can cast out a warm and bright brand image.


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